Running accommodation facilities

After you finalized your vision or business plan, found a place for your business, and decided the name of your business, you should get familiar with respective regulations and duties that surely wait for you as the operator of an accommodation facility. What should you not forget, what are your duties and what differences are in the field of accommodation services? You can learn this in a handbook prepared for you in cooperation with the Business Sector Monitoring department.

Accommodation facilities and prerequisites for their operation

Start up a small business

Act No. 455/1991 Coll. on Trade Licensing (hereinafter referred to as Trade Licensing Act) is the basic regulation arranging operation of any small business. In accordance with this Act, there are three types of trades recognized there and two of them – licensed and free trades – are interesting for us from the aspect of accommodation facilities.

Free trades are those trades, when one decides to run a business in the field of accommodation services without hospitality services or in the field of accommodation services with preparing and selling meals, drinks, and semi-products to the guests accommodated in accommodation facilities with capacity of up to 10 beds.

Licensed trades are relating to two categories of accommodation facilities only:

  1. accommodation services in accommodation facilities with hospitality services provided, and
  2. accommodation services in cottage areas, class 3, or in camp sites, classes 3 & 4.

How to obtain a trade licence

Operator’s duties

Under Section 21 (2) of Act No. 355/2007 Coll. on Protection, Support and Development of Public Health, and on Amendment and Supplementation of Certain Acts, accommodation facilities should meet requirements for internal environment, layout, functional arrangement, equipment and for the operation of accommodation facilities prescribed by the executive regulation. The executive regulation is Regulation of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic No. 259/2008 Coll. on Details of Requirements for the Internal Environment of Buildings and on Minimum Requirements for Apartments of Lower Standard and Accommodation Facilities, which contains specific requirements for the room equipment, lighting, cleaning of accommodation facilities, and other appurtenances to be followed.

Taxes and levies at the operation of accommodation facilities

Use of e-kasa client cash registers

Renting a real estate versus entrepreneurship in relation to the trends in the field of accommodation

Termination of business

If you are going to terminate your trade licence, you have two options just like when you started it. You can make it personally at the point of a single contact within the district office you belong to upon your permanent address or registered office (legal persons) or electronically using the form Notice of Termination of Business to be found in the Services Locator under the point of a single contact – Trade Register Services within the district office you belong to upon your permanent address or registered office. Under Article 57 (1), item g) of Trade Licensing Act, the trade authorization shall expire on the day specified in the Notice of Termination of Business or, under paragraph 3 thereof, if in the notice pursuant to paragraph 1 (g) no later date is stipulated, then the trade authorization shall expire as of the day following the day when the notice of termination of business is served upon appropriate Trades Licensing Office.


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