Founding an e-shop – commercial and warranty terms and conditions and protection of privacy

 If you decided to start business in the on-line world and to enable your clients to buy your products/services via the internet, we would have been prepared a transparent handbook for you in cooperation with the Business Sector Monitoring department, which contains three basic legal appurtenances to be met in relation to your clients.

1. Commercial terms and conditions

Duly elaborated commercial terms and conditions complying with applicable regulations shall be published on your website. By means of the commercial terms and conditions, you will meet several information duties against consumers imposed on you as the e-shop operator by the law. If you fail to meet the information duties or if your commercial terms and conditions contain inaccurate or unreasonable provisions, you will be at risk of being penalized by the Slovak Commercial Inspection.

What should you avoid in your commercial terms and conditions?

2. Warranty terms and conditions

Warranty terms and conditions represent another obligatory appurtenance to be met, when operating e-shops. Conditions stated therein shall not exceed legal requirements and limit buyers’ rights. Warranty-related rules can be arranged in detail in separate warranty terms and conditions or can be included in your commercial terms and conditions.

What information must consumers be able to find in warranty terms and conditions?

3. Protection of privacy

When starting your e-shop, you should not forget the last condition, i.e. protection of privacy.  The declaration of protection of personal data should be published on your website. Not the literal wording, but contents of such declaration – how do you handle personal data of clients, what other parties (such as carriers for purposes of transporting the goods to clients) are they available for, and how will you handle them at their disposal – are specified by the law. The information shall be provided in a brief, transparent, comprehensible, and easily accessible form and it shall be formulated in a clear and simple manner.

Personal data processing principles


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